Mission Accomplished

learningexchangeI went back to school in 2012 with the sole purpose of getting a full time job. I was tired of the freelance roller coaster. Last summer, I tested the waters and unexpectedly hooked a job at the UBC Learning Exchange. On the surface, “Coordinator of the English Conversation Program” didn’t seem to be related to the sustainability work I had been doing. Three weeks in, I realized I had my dream job in social sustainability. Problem was, it was a maternity leave. Today is my one year anniversary and I recently found out that my predecessor is not returning. I am thrilled to say, the job is mine! The adult education centre on the downtown eastside is built on a community development model. Everyone who comes in the door has talent and resources to share. I work with a talented team of people. Everyday I live my life in technicolour, getting to know all the amazing people who walk through the door to teach and to learn. Now if I can just finish the degree. At any rate, mission accomplished.

2 Replies to “Mission Accomplished

  1. Spring,
    Congratulations on the job. Great to see you getting paid to remain in the world of adult education. Sounds like great, interesting, valuable work.

    ADHE 329!

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