Anyone interested in getting more involved in the food movement in Vancouver, should definitely check out Sustenance. In its 4th year, this food celebration connects art, culture, and food security. Which means people dance and sing, learn something, and eat a lot of great food! They do have an amazing line-up of workshops including Fondue Revisited and Revamped with Chef Ned Bell from the Four Seasons, and Weed Eating, you heard me, with local forager/chef Alexander McNaughton. The Roundhouse Community Centre is party central, but there are satellite events hosted by local food networks around the city, so you may not even have to leave your neighbourhood to join in. For example, you can learn how to make fabulous and nutritious smoothies at Smoothie Sensation on the Downtown Eastside, and catch a great double bill film night (see above poster) at Britannia Community Centre in Grandview Woodland. Oh and there will be some fine entertainment from The Wheely Slow Cooking Tour and other wacky guests. The festival runs from October 11th – 21st, 2012.