Greenest City Sightings

I noticed these cool recycling stations at the Kits Street Festival yesterday. The logo on the side of the bins said Green Events Chair, I thought. I asked the attendant if I had it right, she nodded. Then I asked if there was a web site. She wasn’t sure, she was a volunteer, recruited through her school. Turns out it’s Green Chair Events and they will green up your event for you. You can rent recycling and compost collection bins or let them plan and manage the green side of things for you. One of the big events they manage is the annual Eco-Wedding Showcase at EPIC Sustainable Living Expo at the Vancouver Convention Centre. I couldn’t find a list of collectible materials on their web site, but here’s hoping Styrofoam containers were included.

After a couple hours of walking around and taking in the festivities, my friend and I headed to the pool to cool off, where we think we spotted our Mayor taking a dip. Hard to tell without the suit. The business suit I mean. He then stood at the railing, where pool meets ocean, looking out across the water, taking in the view of our greenest city in the making.

Quite the sight, even if it was his body double.

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