Inspired by all you bakers out there in Facebook land, I decided to try my hand at a cake in celebration of Canada Day. I’ll admit it was tricky, but the ingredients were simple enough. So I thought I would share some tips in case you want to attempt it. First of all, I had trouble opening the box on my previous trial run with the white angel food cake as you can see. Be careful not to rip up the instructions on the back of said box, they are very explicit. I graduated to confetti for today – it is our country’s birthday after all.
Okay, glass bowl (I used plastic, nothing exploded), mixture in, water in, mix on low 30 sec, mix on medium 1 minute, oven rack low, 37-47 minutes baking time (?*!) – not for the faint of heart this recipe. But this is the MOST IMPORTANT TIP OF ALL – make sure you pour the mixture into a minimum 3 litre baking pan! Otherwise, you are going to be scraping confetti off the bottom of your oven for days.
It says not to grease the pan, but wow, I had to use some pretty intricate knife action and well, a mallet to get the cake out of my antique Bundt pan. Let’s say it lacked cake shape after the extraction and was not photo worthy. No icing required on this cake, just toss on a few strawberries, a blob of ice cream if you wish. So there you go, my Canada Day creation – a cake for all of us baking angels. Happy Canada Day!