Look what I came across on Commercial Drive in Vancouver last week! Stopped me in my tracks. At first glance I thought it was community public art – a functional art piece similar to my Bike Tree. Then when I looked closer, bike rack cozy came to mind. Way to dress up a boring looking bike rack! A friend filled me in. It’s called guerilla knitting. I knew knitting was trendy and no longer just for grannies, but I had no idea a rebel faction had emerged from the woolies. It’s similar to guerilla gardens I guess, where random gardens are planted in unexpected and foresaken places (without official permission) by rogue gardeners. As with the guerilla gardeners, you never know when or where these knitters might strike. Trees, lamp posts, entire buildings – anything can be brightened with woolen wear, as you will see from the pictures on this web site. The blogger labels it knitting graffiti. Graffiti artists may not be amused by this association. I am not a knitter, but I must say I love the colour, life and whimsy this public knitting art can bring to drab structures. Especially when we’ve been subjected to endless rainy grey this spring. Wool covered umbrellas perhaps?