The Politics of Food: A Bite Size Course

Eating is a political act. Find out how the food on your plate can affect a farmer half a world away. Through field trips, guest speakers, classroom presentations and discussions, students will explore the entire food system from table top to ground and back again.

Covers local food issues and movements and the more complex global ones like genetically modified foods and seed monopolies. Examines the charity model and solutions oriented programs like fair trade to see if they really are fair. Students will leave with a basic understanding of the politics of food and 10 things they can do to strengthen the food system in their neighbourhood. Warning: chocolate and coffee will be consumed!

The Politics of Food (HLTH 1376)

4 wks Sa Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 9:00-13:00

(16 hours) $399

Instructor: Spring Gillard

To register, call 604-443-8672. Quote: CRN # 10478.  On-line registration should also be available by the end of November. Under Health/Specialty – “ part-time courses.

Vancouver Community College

Broadway Campus  1155 East Broadway  Switchboard: 604.871.7000

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