Excellence in Design

My brothers are both very creative guys. I have written about the developer brother, but not really about my designer brother, Don. Now’s my opportunity. He just received the Excellence in Design award at the Arts Council of the Central Okanagan’s Spirit of the Arts event on February 23rd. Don submitted a series of his works from his vast design portfolio. The Arts Council praised him for his creativity, the diversity of his applications and his innovative approach to problem solving in design. They thanked him for enriching the arts in the Okanagan Valley. He received a stunning trophy designed by local sculptor Tina Siddiqui.

Currently Don is applying his eclectic talents primarily to corporate branding and web design; he has many Okanagan clients in his roster. You can view his works at Triggerfish Design.

Don has a degree in Industrial Design from Emily Carr University of Art & Design. In addition to designing logos, web sites, furniture and other products, he also paints, sculpts and produces animations. His paintings, sculpture and furniture have been exhibited at galleries throughout Vancouver and showcased in the popular Eastside Culture Crawl. He lives in Peachland with his wife Lelani, cake designer and owner of Cause for Celebration.

The Arts Council of the Central Okanagan joins other Arts Councils in the Okanagan Valley to support and advocate for the arts. Big sister’s feeling pretty proud.

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