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- SkyTrain: worked with staff to develop an in-house communications plan regarding expansion of operations, maintenance centre and yard.
- Rivershed Society of BC. In partnership with Stream of Dreams, launched the SalmonTrain campaign, a SkyTrain wrapped inside and out with colourful salmon murals, garnering media attention and doubling hits to the web site.
- Ka Ka Wis Family Development Centre: produced and directed a 37 minute documentary film called Jewel in the Forest for the First Nations drug and alcohol treatment centre. The show aired on several Canadian TV stations.
- Oblates of Mary Immaculate: produced and directed four six minute shows documenting the work of this order of priests; the series aired on Vision TVs Catholic Journal and other Canadian TV stations.
Food Systems
- Metro Vancouver: compiled an inventory of 100 local food system activities for inclusion in the regional food strategy.
- Food Security Courses. Created and facilitated two courses offered at UBC, a one day course on Community Food Systems, a weekend course on the Politics of Food; organized a tour series entitled, Exploring the Food System on the Westside.

Waste Management
- Metro Vancouver: researched and reviewed a range of technologies suitable for on-site composting at multi-family housing. Read report.
- City of Vancouver: community based social marketing backyard composting pilots, project lead with partner EBA Engineering; part of winning bid with EBA for City of Vancouver Neighbourhood Scale composting pilots.
Related posts: Backyard Composting Gets a Boost; Bawk-yard Compost .
- City of Richmond: designed a waste management plan for the O Zone during the 2010 Olympics that successfully utilized youth and volunteers to achieve waste reduction goals.
- Vancouver Garden Show 2005, co-producer, media relations for this four day show held at VanDusen Botanical Garden, with 20,000 in attendance. Garnered record media coverage including national piece by CBC Newsworld.
- City Farmer. Produced numerous themed community events including the Best Food Garden in Vancouver contest with the Georgia Straight; a Celebrity Cob Oven Cooking Event with James Barber and Eve Johnson and taped by CBC Radio’s North by Northwest.
- Sustainability Tours: developed and delivered for 2009 International Gaining Ground Conference; Ministry of Economic Development; UN World Urban Forum II, shoulder event tours for the City Building Professionals Group, a consortium of architects, landscape architects and planners.

- Simon Fraser University (SFU) Instructor: co-design and deliver Applications Course, two day mobile workshop for certificate program in Sustainable Community Development offered by SFUs City Program and Centre for Sustainable Community Development. Related posts: It Takes a Village; Restoring Systems.
Environmental Education
- City Farmer. Developed and implemented environmental education programs: composting; organic gardening; natural lawn and garden care; and water conservation.

- BC Ministry of Environment. Developed the Compost Module, a curriculum supplement for the Eco Education Program in partnership with Force Four Productions.
Demonstration Projects
- Solar Bike Tree: conceived, project managed and installed unique bike parking system in front of Science World at confluence of three bike paths.
- Green Garden exhibit at Vancouver Garden Show. As project manager, I brought in architects Hotson Bakker Boniface Haden and Sharp and Diamond Landscape Architects to help create the display that included a green roof, water conservation area, composting and natural yard care.