Not a Maverick

OSXI switched my Mac computer over to a new operating system this week and I soon discovered that I am no maverick. I do not like this new system. It’s like learning a whole new language. Nothing is familiar. Apple Mail on my lovely large screen desktop computer looked like I was viewing my emails on a teeny handheld device. The scroll bars slide in the opposite direction that I’m used to and the content wobbles after you land. I can no longer “save” my sent mail into file folders which I did every morning as a kind of review of the previous day and a way to keep track of correspondence on various jobs. Software upgrades happen through the Apple Store and my computer screen goes blank when I do so, which freaks me out. I don’t even want to go near the icon that says “Air Drop.” Downloading the new system screwed up my browser, my printer and who knows what else. Apple was offering the upgrade to the Mavericks operating system for free. I don’t have multiple devices so don’t really need the “cloud” (one of its selling features). But a data analysis program I wanted to run does require it, so here I am. I’m glad I didn’t have to pay for this torture. This morning I finally figured out how to display my email in the “classic” view. That little touch of the familiar made me so happy, I almost think I might get used to life on Mavericks. Change is hard. Asking people to overhaul their operating systems is a lot to ask. Something we sustainability advocates need to keep in mind.

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