I was doing some research on the green economy recently, specifically green jobs for marginalized populations. I came across Dark Table, a Vancouver restaurant that turns a “dis”-ability into a unique selling proposition (to use advertising lingo). Turns out, blind dining is a hot trend in cities around the world. With a 70% unemployment rate in the blind population, that is good news. Here’s how it works. When you arrive at the restaurant a host greets and briefs you in the well-lit and covered outdoor reception area. There you make your selections and are then led to your table by a blind or visually impaired server. Upon entering the restaurant, you are literally in the dark. You enter an experience of being blind and an opportunity to heighten your other senses. On the website, owner Moe Alameddine says he is proud to offer employment to blind and visually impaired people, but he believes that in reality “it is the blind offering this unique, eye-opening experience to the sighted.” Love how the table has been turned.