Last week Canadian Press contacted me to do an interview. They’d found my blog. And no they didn’t want to talk to me about food security, or find out if I was in the sustainability camp or the resilience camp. They didn’t even want to get advice on composting. They wanted to talk to me about the fact that I don’t own a cell phone.
“I noticed on your blog that you’ve written quite a lot about not having a cell phone,” said Lauren La Rose, the lifestyle reporter who contacted me.
Yup, singled out for being one of the few remaining people on the planet without a cell phone. So I did the interview. They sent a photographer over who took a picture of me with a cell phone in front of my mouth. It’s not a terribly flattering photo (neither of them, you’ll see what I mean) – makes me look my age (a fact they also mentioned for some reason, geesh).
It went out over the “wire” today; Canadian Press sells to other news outlets. You can read it in the Winnipeg Free Press and the National Post.