
Maladjusted_pills_HIGHPopular theatre is used by some adult educators as a process to explore diverse and often controversial issues. I have participated in a couple of interactive productions where I stepped onto the stage and became one of the characters midway through the play. It is a remarkable and engaging experience with frequently surprising results. Artistic Director David Diamond of Theatre for Living is a proponent of this interactive form of community theatre. I am going to check out one of his wildly successful productions this week at the Firehall Arts Centre. According to the website, Maladjusted “explores the mechanization of the mental health system and how stigmatization of mental health issues happens inside the system itself.” The play was “created and performed by mental health patients and caregivers is a ‘true voice’ that seeks local solutions to this issue in terms of ways to provide and receive more ‘human centred’ care.” Maladjusted runs through Saturday, March 28th.

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