Bike Cafés

bikeSimon Fraser has an interesting talk on Sustainable Transportation coming up as well as a series of Bike Cafés. Check it out.

SFU Philospopher’s Café and The City Program are pleased to introduce a series of Bike Cafés, which will take place along major commuter cycling routes at cyclist friendly coffee bars in Vancouver. This new series engages with Vancouver’s cycling community and others interested in discussions regarding the sustainable evolution of our cityscape.

All Weather Cycling – January 13, 6 p.m.
Venue: Musette Caffe Chinatown (75 E. Pender St.)
Moderator: Richard Campbell

Building the Bicycle Culture We Want – January 29, 7 p.m.
Venue: Tricycle (2685 Maple St.)
Moderator: Chris Bruntlett

Cycling and Generational Politics – February 10, 6 p.m.
Venue: Musette Caffe Chinatown 
Moderator: Gordon Price

Cycling and Automated Vehicles  – February 26, 7 p.m.

Venue: Tricycle

Moderator: Richard Campbell

What Are the Links Between Transportation Choice, Affordability and Happiness?  – March 10, 6 p.m.
Venue: Musette Chinatown 
Moderator: Erin O’Melinn

Bridging the (Cycling) Gender Gap  – March 26, 7 p.m.
Venue: Tricycle
Moderator: Melissa Bruntlett

Car Free Streets in Vancouver – April 14, 6 p.m.
Venue: Musette Chinatown
Moderator: Richard Campbell

Transportation Referendum: Lessons Learned from the Front Line

Speaker: Carl Guardino, Silicon Valley Leadership Group
January 19, 7–9 pm PST
Room 1400, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
Admission is free, but reservations are required. ReserveThis lecture will be live webcast. Reservations not required for webcast.

A healthy and competitive economy relies on efficient transportation. In Metro Vancouver, we are increasingly facing some of the worst traffic congestion in Canada. The region’s mayors have developed a Transportation and Transit Plan to cut congestion; keep people, jobs and our economy moving, and accommodate a million more people expected here by 2040.

This spring, Metro Vancouver voters will have a say on these proposed transportation and transit improvements through a referendum—the first of its kind in Canada.

Carl Guardino is widely lauded as one of the most influential forces on transportation policy and funding in the San Francisco and Silicon Valley area, where such ballot measures are routine and have successfully funded major transportation improvements.

Carl will share lessons learned from a region that has been recognized for its progress and innovation, and how this experience might help engage and inform Metro Vancouver residents as we weigh the important decision before us. Details/Registration

One Reply to “Bike Cafés”

  1. Hi Spring – Thanks so much for sharing SFU’s new Bike Cafés! Please note all Tricycle cafés have been moved to Tandem Bike Café, 3195 Heather St. and start at 6pm. More info here
    Thanks again for your support!

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