Art for Social Change

asc-intensive1Many years ago I had the opportunity to do some advertising and promotion for the Anna Wyman Dance Company. Our creative team attended one of the early rehearsals for the upcoming performance. They hadn’t titled it yet. I was reading The Stand by Stephen King at the time, and the dance evoked the same feeling. Well, a more beautiful resistance, and a less terrifying line drawn in the sand. The dancers movements said: we stand together, here. When I said the same to Anna, she loved it and the dance was officially named, The Stand.

I wasn’t involved in environmental activism back then, but thinking back, The Stand would be a very good theme for many of our current day environmental struggles. This August you can express your activism through dance and the performing arts with another local dance icon, Judith Marcuse, at the International Centre of Art and Social Change. Looks fabulous!

Six-Day, Art for Social Change (ASC) Summer Intensive Workshop

From August 24th-29th, Judith Marcuse is offering six days of workshop activities, dialogue and resources designed to help anyone interested in the arts and creativity as ways to help create social, environmental and political change. More details here. Registration and tickets here.

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