Since 2008, UBC has committed to LEED Gold for all of its buildings. The Life Sciences Centre (2005), the Aquatic Ecosystems Research Lab (2008), and the Friedman Building Renew (2011) have already achieved that certification level and eleven more buildings are pending. For the past several decades, Educational Studies has been housed in the Ponderosa portables, “temporary” wooden annexes. Although they are old and musty, the windows open and we were surrounded by pine trees. All that changes in August 2015, when my department will move in to a brand spanking new state-of-the-art green building. Our new home is part of the two-phase Ponderosa complex. Phase one is nearing completion. The two towers have student residences and study areas, academic offices, fitness facilities and bike storage. The Audain Art Centre makes its home on the ground floor of one of the towers. I like the planters and bench seating outside of the café at the base of the other, not sure if the materials are recycled. I wasn’t able to find out details on the landscaping from the website. Looks like drought resistant plants, no trees in sight though. Sadly, I will already have graduated by the time we move in to our new golden digs. At least that’s the plan.