Look Up


A young friend and I were heading to another friend’s house for dinner recently. We were travelling by bus. When we got off at our stop, we stepped into a very unfamiliar neighbourhood. My friend immediately turned to her phone and began searching for direction. I glanced down at the directions I had scrawled on a scrap of paper and then looked across the street. My friend was still frantically punching keys when I yelled out, “Ken’s Restaurant, she said it was in that building, there it is!” We had a good laugh over our methods of locating ourselves.

Another time, a friend was supposed to pick me up. He hadn’t been to my place before. I gave him my address and the cross street. I watched as he sped by my house several times, back and forth. He had his phone on the seat beside him, trusting that disembodied voice would guide him to his destination. Meanwhile, if he’d only looked up he would have seen me waving wildly to him.

Take time to look up and around you this weekend and appreciate the beautiful environment we live in. Happy Canada Day!

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