At the end of every wormshop, I used to take the school children on a tour of the compost garden. I’d already shown them how to turn food waste into black gold, now they could see the food growing and understand the full cycle of life. On their brief tour they would taste and touch a number of flowers, veggies and herbs. Before they left, we’d gather outside the garden gates, and I’d ask them what their favourite part of their visit was. I’ll never forget this one little boy who said, “The lemon balm.” The class had rubbed the leaves on their hands that day to release the wonderful lemon scent.
I was reminded of that when one of my Facebook friends posted: Lovely lemon balm – pick all you want – dig some up in fact @ the Traffic circle garden at 6th & Trafalgar. She was reminding us that the herb garden she tends near her house is in fact for anyone in the neighbourhood.
I went by and helped myself to a bouquet of lemon balm. I love to make tea out of this medicinal herb that also attracts bees and butterflies. Some people throw some leaves into their bath and enjoy its calming effects that way. Yes, it can take over in your garden, so if you don’t want it to fill up your border, best to plant it in a pot and bury it to keep it contained.
Just picking that lemon balm gave me a lift. Thank you Mary!